A quarter of couples who have split up are being forced to continue living together because of the high cost of housing, research has showed.
The figure's 28%, and the research was by EasyRoomMate. Two-thirds of those enduring a colder atmosphere inside the house than outside (that's saying something with the recent cold-snap), they admit it's because of the high cost of living. One in forty are stuck with a joint property because of negative equity.
Three-quarters of separated couples who continued to live together said they found the experience stressful, and 65% would have preferred it if they or their partner had been able to move out sooner.
Research by housing charity Shelter also found that one in four people were either part of a couple that had separated but continued to share the same home because they could not afford a place of their own, or they knew someone in this situation.
It said the current high cost of housing and the shortage of affordable homes was forcing increasing numbers of people to continue to share a property after they had separated.
My advice is simple enough, be certain you have a strong relationship, before purchasing a property together. Otherwise you could be stuck with them for longer than you think.
I have been married now for nearly 60 years, the only time I lived apart from Mrs J was when I did my National Service. Plus one night when I came home worse for wear and she made me sleep outside in the shed until I had sobered up.....
Choose carefully people....
Mr Jackson.