Thinking of selling your flat or house in the near future? Cleanliness adds up to £5,000 to the value.
We all know that selling your house in today's market can be a tricky business. That's why it's more important than ever to make sure your home is in tip-top condition.
Recent research carried out on behalf of Domestos UK by ICM has shown that a clean house is a more profitable house. The research comprises 2000 UK adults and 200 UK estate agents.
Part of consumer giant Unilver brands stable since 1961, Domestos has teamed up with Britain’s self-acclaimed 'most honest estate agent', Julian Bending, who has put together five top tips to help add up to £5,000 to the price of your house.
1 First Impressions count
Buyers form their first impressions in the first 30 seconds. So take time to trim bushes or plant flowers to make sure they're smiling before they've even knocked on the door.
2 Fix it
Even just a broken tap or cracked tile could mean the make or break of a deal. So try and get any problems fixed before putting your house on the market.
3 Eliminate clutter
Clutter doesn't sell homes as it makes them seem smaller and disorganized. Make some space and buyers will find it easier to make themselves at home.
4 Keep it neutral
One person's colourful taste might not be someone else's. Neutral colours sell. Fact.
5 Spring clean
Never underestimate the power of cleaning. Use products such as Domestos ;-) to make sure rooms like the bathroom and kitchen are looking clean and smelling fresh.
A they say cleanliness is next to Godliness. Must find my Hoover...
Until next time,
Mr Jackson.