No, it's not a new gameshow, starring Noel Edmonds and a latex suited delnquent.
This is about the residents of Bolton who are getting het up by Manchester United footballer Gary Neville's plans for a flower shaped eco-home on green belt land. Quotes - here - from a meeting in a Methodist church hall show how the message is in the subtext.
"Why do we have to have this dirty great big house because he has lots of money?"
You don't. You can still keep your little house. He gets to have the great big house. And that's possibly the problem. The use of the word "dirty" is interesting. This, from the architect's website:
Make (The Architects)have submitted a planning application to Bolton Council for a new eco-home which, if approved, will be the first zero-carbon property in the North West of England... The design team has worked closely with Peter Rolton, a key member of the Government’s advisory panel for renewable and sustainable energy, and the proposed scheme has already been identified as an exemplar project within the Government’s ‘Planning Performance Agreements for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Schemes’ programme.

Gary Neville - Pictured Above.
It just seems a shame to me that while Barratt's gets to squat above the country, dropping these at will, innovative, eco-friendly architecture that tests technology for future use is made so difficult.
Though he is a Manchester United player, so no wonder people will want to complain - Then again, I'm sure the planning will sneak through - probably in the last few seconds of extra time.....
C'mon you blues !
Mr Jackson.