Our good friend Phil Spencer advises to sell and rent !
Somewhat bravely - we believe - Phil (looking quite menacing in the above photo) is advising homeowners to sell now, buy again later.
Clinch a sale at today’s prices, but buy after the election, when values might dip and you can get more for your money.
All the logic's in Phil's favour. Wages are about to be squeezed, taxes are about to go up, lending's about to be squeezed, the market's currently bubbling along on little more than blind faith. But he's still brave to say this.
I've seen so many people get their bank balances burned trying this in the past, and I'm sure Phil's seen even more. And as his onscreen partner knows, this kind of thing can come back and haunt you.
Lets hope you don't end up with egg on your face Phil, or worse !
Yours, somewhat unsure,
Mr Jackson