Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that 15 West Heath Avenue in Hampstead, North London failed to sell 2008. It appeared on the market in the midst of the financial crisis when property prices were in free-fall, so it was hardly surprising that no one bit at the £6.25 million price tag. But almost as soon as developer Matthew Frayne took it off the market, it was talent spotted by Talk Back Thames, who asked if it could be used to house the contestants of ITV’s X Factor. Frayne jumped at the chance.
So for the past couple of months, the 16 contestants in this year’s show and two researchers have been living in the house. It has appeared on the television countless times, not least when a gang of school girls attempted to scale the walls. Afterwards security fences and bouncers were deployed.
Naturally, there were a couple of hiccups: the fire alarm went off on several occasions, there was a power cut, and the neighbours complained about the noise.
But on the whole Number 15 has stood up to the X Factor test; so much so that Matthew would consider leasing to the production company again. "I wouldn't change a thing - except maybe build a higher wall on the outside.
Whether the X Factor has helped sell Number 15 remains to be seen. In February Matthew is putting it back on the market for £6.25 million. “It’s a niche house - we didn’t expect it to sell immediately. It’s very sharp and contemporary. We were considering lowering the price but now houses are shifting again we feel more positive. You’re getting a lot for your money.”
15 West Heath Avenue is on the market with Quintessentially Estates: www.quintessentiallyestates.com and Glentree (0208 458 7311).
Until the next time,
Mr Jackson