Friday, 7 August 2009

Pyramid Selling.....

If you took a dollop of 2001: A Space Odyssey, whisked in a hefty glug of Blade Runner and added a dash of The Mummy you’d end up with something like Makoto Tanijiri’s sleekly beautiful Pyramid house in Saijo, Hiroshima, Japan.

Not only is it a stunningly futuristic statement, but it also apparently echoes the earliest form of Japanese architecture: the pit dwelling, or “tateana jukyo“; where a pit was dug out and then covered by a thatched roof.

This modern version of the traditional form was completed in 2007, but I’ve only just come across it and I like it. A lot.

A full article on the whys, hows and whos can be found over at

And if that’s whetted your appetite for living in a conic solid with a polygonal base, then check out the contemporary pyramids blog for more pointy buildings.

You know where he should have built it ? The Faroe Islands ! I'll get my coat.....

Have a good weekend everyone.

Mr Jackson.