They are offering a fixed price to sell your property of just £1250.00. On average a local estate agent will charge a fee 1.00% of the sale price, so if your house is worth over £125,000, there are some huge savings to be made !

Other agents I have spoken with don't seem to be too happy about this offer - not surprising really when you consider they make £3k+ from the vendor on a sale of a £300,000 property. Perhaps other agents will now have to start shopping at Tesco, rather than Marks & Spencer...
Though un-surprisingly it seems the vendors are extremley happy with the offer. This seems to be translating into new sales instructions, as Moray Property's window fills up every day that I pass.
'We haven't really started advertising the offer yet', David explained to me. 'All the current properties for sale took advantage of this offer just via word of mouth alone'. Always the best recommendation I find.
When their advertising campaign does go live, I envisage them having quite a share of the property market in a short space of time. If they keep up their first rate quality service and their modern and unique approach (which is long overdue in Moray.....) then they'll go far.
Hope this doesn't sound too much like an advert for them - But I know a good deal when I see one and this is too good to miss. If you're contemplating selling your property you could save yourself £000's !
Perhaps I too should become a marketing guru - If only I'd thought of this myself a couple of years ago, become qualified and got a trendy little shop - I could be sat in the Med' now, rather than in the Captains Table at Findhorn....
Though I suppose they wouldn't have the superb double chocolate cake that I've managed to get all over my new netbook.
Until the next time,
Mr Jackson.