Thursday, 11 June 2009

Mr Jackson returns !

Hello my friends !

I am now fully recovered after my somewhat lengthy stay in Raigmore hospital. I wanted to thank everyone for their best wishes, their cards, gifts and cakes (especially cakes).

Thanks to my son Adrian Jackson (Jackson JR) Who has filled my blogging shoes admirably in my absense. I've a lot to live up to !

Thanks also to David & Paul at Moray Property Ltd, for allowing me to re-join them and continue to write the property blogs - something which I really enjoy. Something which I don't enjoy is looking at that wallpaper in your property shop ! Modern it may be, but you'll need to wear sunglasses whilst you work !

They will be pleased to know my son installed wireless broadband whilst I was away and I can now blog from the balcony at Findhorn, whilst watching the seals on the far shore at Culbin - Life just doesn't get any better !

I look forward to 'Blogging' with you all again soon.

Take care,

Mr Jackson.