Continuing on from my good neighbours theme, this from The Telegraph yesterday made me laugh and also wince a little !
A millionaire property developer harassed her neighbours for months by peering through windows, screaming insults and placing curses upon them, a court heard yesterday.
Patricia Bailey peered through other people’s blinds, pushed open windows and threatened “damnation” upon all those who lived nearby.
Her behaviour was so bad that she was given an indefinite nationwide Asbo and told by a judge that he wished she could be banned from “the entire planet”.
Yesterday, Mrs Bailey tried to get last year’s Asbo lifted, saying she was wrongly penalised and the punishment was unduly harsh.
Under the terms of the Asbo the 60-year-old was forced out of her original flat in central London and moved to another property overlooking Lord’s cricket ground.
James Couser, representing Westminster City Council, said the anti-social order had been necessary because of Mrs Bailey’s “bizarre” behaviour.
"Mrs Bailey is a woman who has a history of neighbour disputes,” he told Southwark Crown Court.
"The behaviour that is complained of is simply put, bizarre, of the most bizarre nature I have ever encountered.
"There is a CD containing footage of several incidents - this is very much a greatest hits compilation because there are a lot more video recordings.
“Mrs Bailey had a propensity at that time to go into communal areas and peer through windows, peek through windows and push through those windows - very strange behaviour indeed."
Neighbours recorded her antics and a video played in court showed Mrs Bailey, who lived at number three, chanting: “Keep away all evil my Lord, from flat four and flat five. “Banish them, O Lord, from here to damnation and hell.”
In the footage, Mrs Bailey was seen accusing her neighbours of carrying out a “witch hunt”, while they described her as “mad” and living in a fantasy world.
Mr Couser said the residents where she used to live wanted the Asbo to remain in place because they were worried she might come back to “haunt them”.
The order reads: “You must not use threatening, abusive, aggressive or obscene language or behaviour towards any person, in any public place in England and Wales, until further notice.” Oh dear, we'd best watch out for her up here next....
Mrs Bailey, who has a previous conviction for racially aggravated assault, was also banned from contacting her old neighbours.
The hearing continues......
I'll keep you updated, until the next time,
Mr Jackson