What seems like a nice little investment property in Blargowrie is listed on e-bay at present.
It's a lock up shop, currently leased out to a Bridal Studio with a 5 year ongoing lease until 2014. The seller is looking for £33k, with a rent of £3120.00 per anum, this equates to a 9.45% return.
Might be worth a look, especially if you are a cash buyer with money in the bank gaining a paltry 1% or less.
The only thing I would look out for is a communal charge, as it's a three storey building. There's no mention of what the upper floors are used for and it would be best to have a full repairing lease in place. It is near a River, so do your homework people - Just ask anyone from Elgin or Fochabers about living near a river.
Otherwise looks like a good deal. See more details about this property on e-bay by clicking here.
Good luck !
Mr Jackson.