I've been sleeping in a shed recently, not because Mrs Jackson had thrown me out for eating the majority of the last Jamaican ginger cake, but through choice.
Bowen Island is a low-key, relaxing island in Howe Sound, where eagles soar overhead, deer browse at the roadsides, and ferries shuttle back and forth.
Your stay includes island-roasted Happy Isle coffee, a selection of organic teas, personal care products from Bowen’s own Naked Soapworks, a complimentary chilled bottle of local wine, orange juice and muffins delivered to your door for breakfast.
The Eco-Shed is a pleasant 10-minute walk to the village, and a vigorous 15 minute climb back uphill in the other direction.
The Eco-Shed was designed from the ground up as a showcase of green-building techniques and healthy-living practices. Its numerous green qualities include passive-solar design, extensive reclaimed and FSC-certified wood, highly efficient fixtures and windows, nontoxic materials and finishes, and excellent ventilation. The building’s spray-foam insulation system also offers excellent soundproofing.
The Eco-Shed is the subject of ALMOST GREEN (Greystone/Skyhorse), an eco-memoir written by James Glave, the building’s owner. The book will be released August (Canada) and September (USA). Should be available on Amazon in the UK .
I was fortunate enough to visit British Columbia and stayed in an Eco-Shed on Bowden Island. Seeing and living there is beleiving. I like to try and visit new and modern developments on my trips and this was a great opportunity to get away from the standard hotel room.
The Eco-Shed is a sustainably designed studio located in the residential area above Snug Cove Village on Bowen Island, B.C. The brand-new 280-square-foot freestanding building is suitable for one or two people only, and includes a queen-size bed, built-in desk and wardrobe, small fridge, Danish wood stove, and three-quarter bath with walk-in tiled shower room. The Eco-Shed is located in the front yard of the owners garden, but is fenced and private at the end of a quiet residential street.
Bowen Island is a low-key, relaxing island in Howe Sound, where eagles soar overhead, deer browse at the roadsides, and ferries shuttle back and forth.
Your stay includes island-roasted Happy Isle coffee, a selection of organic teas, personal care products from Bowen’s own Naked Soapworks, a complimentary chilled bottle of local wine, orange juice and muffins delivered to your door for breakfast.
Plush robes, slippers, binoculars, beach towels and mats are all provided. WiFi is available at no additional charge - so I can keep intouch with David at Moray Rentals ! The property offers spectacular forest, ocean, and mountain views and is close to restaurants, yoga, hiking trails, and an organic grocery store.
You can even enjoy a kayak lesson or evening paddle in nearby Deep Bay—or just sit in your courtyard, relax with a book and a mug of tea (not Rington's unfortunately), and watch the ferries glide by.
The Eco-Shed is a pleasant 10-minute walk to the village, and a vigorous 15 minute climb back uphill in the other direction.
The Eco-Shed was designed from the ground up as a showcase of green-building techniques and healthy-living practices. Its numerous green qualities include passive-solar design, extensive reclaimed and FSC-certified wood, highly efficient fixtures and windows, nontoxic materials and finishes, and excellent ventilation. The building’s spray-foam insulation system also offers excellent soundproofing.
The Eco-Shed is the subject of ALMOST GREEN (Greystone/Skyhorse), an eco-memoir written by James Glave, the building’s owner. The book will be released August (Canada) and September (USA). Should be available on Amazon in the UK .
At just 45 minutes from downtown Vancouver, including the short ferry ride, The Eco-Shed is a getaway you can really feel good about.
Looking out of my window this cold, grey, raining morning, over the somewhat rough sea in Findhorn bay, I'm not quite sure that Moray is ready for shed living just yet. But with the property market on a national slow-down, you never know !
Until next time.
Mr Jackson.