Wednesday 27 February 2008

Knee's Must.

Presently I have had plenty of opportunities to catch up on my reading and browse the Internet, as I am awaiting surgery on my arthritic knee.

The Doc told me to rest and keep my weight off it. So this particular blog is being written from home, though Mrs Jackson is keeping me well, we have a selection of cakes from The Spey larder' in Aberlour as well as my preferred tea - Rington's. Once I get back on my feet I hope my new knee will be able to take all the excess weight I've gained - perhaps I should have requested a titanium one !

Whilst on the Internet I have come across a couple of very interesting property related websites, which I would like to share with you. is a new American 'public service' website with a twist. Use an embedded Google map to tag your irritating neighbours, and explain why you dislike them. Join the message board to discuss further. It's being marketed as a real estate site, aimed at helping potential buyers avoid nasty surprises. But surely there's a conflict of interest here. I wouldn't want to advertise noisy, abusive neighbours to potential buyers... and so risk either driving down the price of my property or discourage nice, new, fragrant people from moving into the area. Or am I being picky? Anyway, it's a US site, and the UK map is surprisingly sparse right now. You know what to do ! is a UK site with much better ethics. It sources reduced property throughout the UK, with reductions listed up to a massive 44%. These tend to be houses that have stood on the market for a while. They may be ideal for the speculator or investor - Though to be on the safe side, check the actual market value with your surveyor, as prices can be over-inflated by vendors and estate agents.

Let's be careful out there !

Finally, on a personal note I would like to thank the readers of my blog, who have been very kind in sending me various buns and cakes to 'sample'. Especially kind was Eileen from Cartmel village, who sent me two sticky toffee puddings. Surprisingly, these made it successfully past the boys in the office at Moray Rentals ! I am looking forward to one tonight after dinner.

With kind regards,

The 'knee'dy

Mr Jackson